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[ Nepal Covide 19 ] जनकपुर लगायताका प्रमुख सहरहरू पुनः बन्द। मारमा छन जन्ता

Nepal Covide 19 जनता मारमा पुनश्ः

Nepal Covide 19
Nepal Covide 19

gd:sf/ ;fyLx? cfh xfdL s'/fu/L/x] 5f} ns8fpgsf] ;Gbe{df . ;f}eUo egf} of b'ef{Uo egf} xfd|f] b]zdf dxfg / lj4fjfgx?sf] cefj 5}g . jxfx?n] a]nf a]nfdf cfkmg]]f cg's'n x'g] ul/ ;'emf / ;Nnfx x? k|mLdf lbO /fv5g . xfdL h:tf ;j{ ;fwf/0f gfu/Ls nfO{ jxfx?sf] ljrf/ / ;Gbe{ ;'Gbf / k9bf lgs}g} lk8f lbG5 . lsGgeg] xfd|b]zsf] /fhlglt jxfx?s} cf;kf; / larf/df 3'ld /fv5g. olb lo xfd|f dxfg lj4fjg / dxfg larf/sx?n] ;xL ;'emfj / ;Nnfx xfd|f g]t[Jqx?nfO{ lbPsf] eP ;fob xfd|f] b]zsf] xfn cfh /fd|f] x'GYof] xf]nf . xfdL ;a}hgfnfO{ yfxfePs} s'/fxf] Nepal Covide 19 sf]/]fgf efO{/;sf] af/]df . of] sf]/f]gfefO/;af6 Pp6f b]z dfq} geP/ k'/} ;+g;f/el/ g} km}lnPsf] 5 / of] efO/;n] Pp6f dxfdf/Lsf] ?k nL;s]sf] 5 . o;sf] km}nfa ;flrs}g} vt/gfs 5g . sf]/f]gf efO/;sf s]zx? lbg k|ltlbg al9g}/x]5 . cfh ;Dd o;sf] nflu rflxg] s'g} k|efjsf/L cf}ifwL ktfnfuL;s]sf] 5}g t;y{ ;xfos cf}ifwLx? k|of]u u/L la/fdLsf n5gsf] cg';f/ pkrf/ eO/x]5 .

Pp6f nfdf] ns8fpg k5L v'ng} nfuLPsf] k;n / ahf/x? km]/L aGb x'G5 ls 8/ / qf; b]lvgyfn]sf 5g ;j{ ;wf/g dflg;sf] dg leq . ns8fpg cjwLsf]  ld; dofg]hd]g6sf] sf/0f Nepal Covide 19 sf]/f]gfsf] s]zx?df km]/L a[4L x'g yfn]sf 5g . sf]/f]0fsf] s]zdf a[4Lx'g' ;f+rLs}g} 8/ nfug] s'/f xf] / o;af6 arg xfdLnfO ;r]t x'g'k5{ . t/ o;sf] dtna km]/L klg ns8fpg ug"{k5{ eGg' xtf/ / lagf cWog] cfPsf] larf/ afx]s c?s]xLklg 5}g hxf+ ;Dd dnfO nfu5 . xfdLnfO{ a'emg' k5{ ls ns8fp eg]sf] of] sf]/f]0ffsf] s'g} cf}iflw / pkrf/ x}g . of] Po6f oLgLzLon :6]hdf /f]syfd ug]{ ;fwg dfq xf] .

Nepal Covide 19
Nepal Covide 19

ns8fjgsf] jsfnt ug]{ xfd|f dxfg larf/s / ;+rf/ s/dLx?n] Psrf]6L larf/ k'of{P/ xfd|f] b]zsf] cflYf{s :lytL, pkNjw ;fwg, sfdug]{ ;+/rgf, g]t[tj ug]{ /fhlgtLs :lytL / ;j{;fwf/0f dflg;sf] lhjg lhjLsf s:tf] 5 o;sf] af/]df cwog ug'{ k5{ . Psrf]6L cfkmg]f 5ftLdf xfy /fv]/ lt ;j{;fwf/0f dflg;sf] af/]df ;f]rg' k5{ h;sf] kl/jf/ Pp6f k;n yfk]/, b}lgs Hofnfbf/L u/]/, ;8ssf] k]l6df lev dfu]/ rln /x]5 . ;/sf/nfO{ s/ rfxLof], 3/e]6L / ;6/ dfnLsnfO efl8 rfxLof], a}+sx?nfO{ Aofh rfxLof], law't k|flws/0fnfO lahnLsf] lan rfxLof] of] ;a oyfy{sf] lar k'gM ahf/ aGw eof] eGg] oL;a sxf+jf6 cf+p5 < Psrf]l6 k|fOe] af]l8{u :s'nlt/ kms]{ / x]g{';, Ps rf]l6 lt ;jf/LwgLsf] af/]df ;f]rg'; h;n] nfv}f k};f vr]{/ ;jf/LlsgL ygsfP/ /fv5 . k|fOe]6 af]l8{udf sfd ug{] lzIfsn] s] kfof] / p;sf] xfnt s] 5 oL ;anfO{ ;Dxfng] xfdL / xfd|]f ;sf/ ;Ifd 5g< o:tf] eofjx :yLtLsf] lar olb ns8fpg k'gM eof] eg] sf]/f]0ffn] df/]f; g df/f]; xfd|f] ef]s / cfjzoQmfn] xfdLnfO df5{ . t;y{ ;xL ;dfwfgsf] pkfO{ xfd|]f cfb/lgo la4fjgx?n] ;/sf/ ;dIf k'of{O{ lbGg' k5{ .

Nepal Covide 19
Nepal Covide 19

ns8fpg oLgLzLon :6]hdf sf]/f]0fsf]nfuL rfxLg] ;fwg ;|f]t / o;dfly lgogqgsf]nflUf rfxLg] ;+gogq v8f ug{ / o;nfO{ lgogqg ug{ nufOPsf] Pp6f tftsfnLg pkfosf] ?kdf nufOPsf] lYfof] . of] s'g} sf]/f]gfsf] pkrf/ ug]{ ljwL 5}g . ha of] efO/; rfOgfjf6 k|;f/ x'g yfnLof] TotL a]nf who sf] ufO8nfOg; cg';f/ ns8fpg nufPsf] lyof] ;g;f/el/sf b]zx?n] . / cfh;Dd cfO k'Ubf w]/} b]zx?n] ns8fpg cjlwnfO k|of]u ul/ Jofks ?kdf 6]:6Lu u/L ;kmntf kfPsf 5g / k'gM cfkmgf] b]zaf6 ns8fpg x6fpg yfnL;s]sf 5g . o:tf] cj:yfdf xfdL ;ahgf ldn] / xfd|f ;/sf/ / ;DaGwLt lgsfonffO Aofks ?kdf 6]:l6u+ / sjf/]g6fOg nfO joJ:yL ug{ k|];/ ;L/h{gf ug' k5{ . xfd|f] b]zsf] hg;+Vof yf]/}5g h;sf/0f olb xfdLn] 6]:6Lu+ Jofks ul/of} eGg] xfdL c?eGbf l56f] ;kmtf kfpg ;S5f} . o;sf] k|;f/sf] k|s[tL x]bf{ / ljzn]zg ubf{ o:tf] nU5 ls xfdL hlt ;'s} ;fjwfgL ckgfPklg o;sf] km}lng] ;Defjgf plts} 5g . o;sf] Pp6f dfq pkfOxf] 6]:l6u . h;/L of] efO/;sf] af/]df e|d km}nfOPsf] 5 7'n 7'Nnf d]l8sn sDklGx? 4f/f ;f+rLs} eGg] xf] eGg] totL of] vt/0ffs klGf 5}g . o;sf] mortality rate according to who 3.4 % / lbg k|lt lbg recovery rate ma a[4L g} eO/fv] sf 5g . xfdL ;+u k|ofKt pbfxf/0f x? 5g lbNnLsf] . s:tf] eofjx :lytLaf6 cfh afxL/ cfpg yfn]sf 5g . ha s]Gb| / /fHo ;/sf b'a} ldn]/ sfd uof}{ . ToxL eP/ xfd|f] la4fjg ;fyLx? ;+u cg'/f]w ls xfjfsf] s'/f / cfkm'nffO cg's'n x'Gg] s'/f g p7fO ;a}nfO{ eNnf] x'GG]f s'/fsf] p7fg ug'{ k5{ . olt eGb} labfrfxG5f} k|gfd . / ;fyLx? ;+u cg'/f]w 5 ls obL d]/f] larf/df ;fGbfeL{s / ;rfO5 eGg] o;nfO ;]o/ u/]/ ;DaGlwt ;a} ;dIf k'of{O lbGg'xf]nf . wGojfb  



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